How many small and medium-sized businesses do you have in your client portfolio?

Offer them value-added services


Business opportunity

The EU Directive has imposed whistleblowing as an obligation for companies and, at the same time, has opened up new business opportunities for tax consultants, lawyers, DPOs and for all management consultancy companies, in the context of value-added services to offer to their customers.


Expand your service offering

To provide additional benefits to your customers, OpenBlow for Business solution is what you need. It allows you to help companies be compliant, protect their reputation, improve corporate culture and reduce the risks associated with unethical behavior.


Retain your customers

Create stronger ties with your customers by offering them a tool that can contribute to business growth and sustainability.

Differentiate yourself as a professional

Being able to offer a customized whistleblowing solution can set you apart from the competition. Show your customers that you are ready to provide comprehensive and targeted services.

processo whistleblowing

Effective system

Our solution has been specifically designed for the needs of all professionals and consultants who support a number of heterogeneous businesses. The platform allows the opening of a personalized whistleblowing channel for each company, allowing savings in service activation times and costs, for the implementation of the service.

Custom implementation

We work closely with you to understand your specific needs. We then create a whistleblowing system that perfectly aligns with your needs, in terms of time and costs.

Multi-tier illustration

Do you want to integrate the solution into your services?

    I have read and understood the information about privacy