Easy to set up, use and manage

OpenBlow is the whistleblowing platform that is perfectly adaptable to different business needs, provides advanced features to manage anonymous reports and guarantees the highest level of security.

Workflow with validation logic and reports approval

The platform implements an engine for the personalized management of the whole whistleblowing process. It is possible to define intermediate and final states and the logic of validation and transition from one state to the other.

openblow whistleblowing
open blow multi engine

Multi-Engine Architecture

The platform has a multi-engine architecture, to allow easy integration in heterogeneous environments. The modularity of the platform allows, for each of the core functionalities, the deployment of dedicated plugins to connect to pre-existing systems (for instance authorization systems, workflow managers, message queue systems, object storages).

Whistleblowing process

After receiving a report, the instructor in charge proceeds with the acceptance and first assessment of its scope and validity. Afterwards, the investigation is started to define the outcome and corrective actions, involving the internal departments and / or the competent offices.

processo whistleblowing
open blow whistleblowing


The platform implements natively the operational roles foreseen by the legislation and by the related guidelines. The platform also allows you to create and configure customized roles in a simple and intuitive way, granting the desired access logic to the services and a clear separation of roles.

Project Documentation

The platform has a set of documents according to the quality standards required by LASER ROMAE and the development guidelines adopted: design, test plan, user manual, administration and management manual.

open blow software whistleblowing documentazione